Out Of Sleight by Cameron Francis
Employing both ingenious construction and the cleverest of devious methods, the material in 'Out Of Sleight' requires no sleight of hand skills, yet is utterly fooling. Using just some playing cards, a pen and a few business cards these ten routines will arm you with miracles! And with no worries about complicated sleight of hand, you can just concentrate on presenting your magic like a rockstar.
Cameron Francis, your genial host, will not only train you up in the required handling for each routine, he will also unleash performance advice and show you how to improve your magic.
So let's get OUT OF SLEIGHT!
Out Of This Packet
Humming Words
Gemini Annihilator
Date Fate
"I don’t know why you wouldn’t just rush off and buy this straight away! It’s a cracker." BICYCLE CARDS REVIEW
"This DVD is incredible. So many fantastic tricks on one dvd and they all get huge reactions. I cannot recommend this DVD enough." Chris Lomas, THE MAGIC CAFE
"It's Cameron so you KNOW it's good and you know you will perform the routines. I did 5 events this week and I used 2 of the effect at my gigs." Mike Donaghue, THE MAGIC CAFE
"Although the tricks are easy to perform, they are very strong." MY LOVELY ASSISTANT