Dealing With It Season 3 by John Bannon
"There is no question as to the value you receive with a Bannon / BBM release. Every trick performed and explained here is a winner. The performances and explanations are done at an easily understood pace. The quality of the filming, lighting, sound and sets are superb." 5/5, My Lovely Assistant
"We have all come to expect great things whenever John Bannon gets together with Big Blind Media. In this case, if you bet on the duo, you would have won, big time. They don’t disappoint and boy do they deliver with DWI3! Great effects, great price and more Bannon Greatness!" StraightTalk Magic Reviews
"These tricks have the potential to create real wonder for your spectator, while at the same time being relatively easy to perform. John Bannon has a real gift for teaching the fundamentals of magic!" MagicOrthodoxy
John Bannon is the absolute MASTER of easy to do, but eye-poppingly powerful card tricks. His incredible construction and routining mean you only ever need the most basic sleights to accomplish miracles. On Dealing With It Season III Bannon teaches all six of the killer routines from his acclaimed Genii Magazine column in 2019. Each one is tour de force of genuine ingenuity with that will leave any audience stunned.
Armed only with a normal deck of cards (no gaffs, gimmicks, sticky stuff or duplicates) you will be ready to unleash a cavalcade of sublime card tricks that will make you look like a total master.
Jump in now and start DEALING WITH IT!
Miracle Whip
Last Call
High Five
Sly Dog
BONUS - Learn the brilliant Screen Control that invisibly puts a selection on the top of the deck.