Automata - Self Working Magic Download Bundle
"Killer close-up magic and mentalism with ordinary, everyday objects that ANYONE can do! This is full of amazing, magical and workable routines that you can fit into your working set easily." Wayne Goodman
The AUTOMATA series from Dave Forrest at Full52 is an absolute GOLDMINE of super easy, but mega powerful magic. Across four volumes Dave, Chris Congreave and the ultimate magician’s magician Gary Jones unleash an absolute smorgasbord of face melting magic - and all without ANY sleight of hand!!!
These routines are NOT kids magic or simple tricks - they are high-impact, pro-level works of genius that just HAPPEN to require no sleights. This means you can absolutely focus on performance and audience interaction!
The massive four volume bundle features FORTY ONE tricks and covers a huge array of magical areas - cards, coins, dice, mentalism, rings, build-you-own-gaff-decks, book tests, ‘tin of beans’ production (!), poker chips… the list goes on and on. There are routines here for every eventuality from impromptu, propless miracles to stage worthy set closers.
Do yourselves a favour and nab this exclusive download bundle and get learning today!
METAL SHEEP - A stunning multi-coin transpo!
CARD 2 MATCHBOX - A classic without the sleights!
KINGPINS - a finger ring jumps from one pin to another!
FREE PHONE - Mentalism with a spectators phone!
POKER CHEAT - They choose the cards - you always win!
THIRTY FOUR - A multi-revelation mental masterpiece!
BIRTHDAY CARD - Perfect for restaurant workers!
PRINCESS REDUX - An old classic - supercharged!
FIREBALLS - It’s going straight into your repertoire!
AMAZING BUSINESS - Triple prediction with business cards!
EARWORM - Reveal a song they’re thinking of!
WEIRD WALLET - Three chances to win...they never do!
MY HERO - Which comic book superhero are you?
PEEKY BLINDER - A three part mentalism spectacular!
FIXED QUOTE - Did somebody say self working book test?
CHIP SHOT - Poker chip through table!
P.O.A - Self working coin vanish...and reappearance?
NO LUCK - Predict the outcome of three dice...almost!
AQUA RING - Houdini’s water torture escape, close-up!
LEAD FREE - Self working coin bend, anyone??
ESP-ionage - Gary discerns which ESP symbol is hidden in an envelope TWICE
POCKETS PREDICTED - a self working ‘Visa Cabaret’ style routine
A CAN - Amazing production of a real tin of beans from a flat envelope
DOBSON’S DIDDLE - an amazing variation of a brilliant Wayne Dobson effect
ARTY FARTY - Stunning revelation of a thought of work of art
FRUIT LOOP - Comedy fruit prediction with a KILLER kicker
ANY TOME, ANYWHERE - A great impromptu book test
PURPLE MONKEY - Grey elephant in Denmark REVAMPED!
POSITIVE CHANGE - Any coin heads or tails PREDICTED
RPS EXTREME - Top mentalism with Rock, Paper, Scissors
THE SECRET - Solve the world’s problems and FREE BEER!
BALDUCCI, BALDUCCI, BALDUCCI! - predict THREE cards from a shuffled deck
BAKER STREET -Impossibly divine two completely free selections. FOOLER!
DO OR DIE - Find a card using two dice… features an incredible, little-known dice principle!
HOME SPUN - Repeat card to pocket - with NO SLEIGHT OF HAND!?!?
GRANNY’S MYTH - This clever gimmicked deck will allow you to predict a card AND a number
GRATER - A THOUGHT of card appears inside a mini cheese grater
CUT TO THE CHASE - A super-fair, straight up prediction where the spectator does EVERYTHING! NUMIRACLE - a THOUGHT of card has THE MAGICIANS PHONE NUMBER ON THE BACK!
DIGITAL CARD FINDER - A fun prop and a cool self-working principle!
INSTEAD OF PROPHECY -This mate-matching effect ends with an impossible prediction
MEMO DEMO - Memorise an entire deck of cards in seconds. How is this self-working?!?
"ESP-ONAGE fooled the absolute s**t out of me, I know its a cliche but that is worth the price of the dvd." Chris Congreave
"Full of easy, killer tricks. Very highly recommended." Mark Elsdon
"Forrest and Jones strike again! Packed with solid, workable, entertaining material. I can't believe this stuff is self working!" Roddy McGhie
"Not only are the effects engaging but I have to admit, some of them fooled the s**t out of me." Cameron Francis