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Bandwidth: Zoombaya by John Bannon

$9.74 USD
$9.74 USD

"What a great download from our favorite self-working card trick deity and it really kills over ZOOM, or FaceTime, or on the phone or even in person." 9/10, Straight Talk Magic Reviews

A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD - ‘Zoombaya’ is the first of a series of releases from John Bannon featuring virtual, internet-friendly stunners you’ll also want to do live, up-close and personal. This incredible routine allows you to determine which of eight random cards your participant is thinking of, all whilst turned away, or on videoconference, over the internet or even over the phone. And you never see or touch the cards!

  • Totally self working. Totally impossible!
  • No angles, no gimmicks, no sleights, no off-camera shenanigans
  • A remote miracle where you never touch or see the cards
  • The eight cards can be from a borrowed deck
  • No elaborate pre-trick nonsense, start immediately from a shuffled deck
  • Works over video call / phone call / in person / on stage!
  • Perform from the other side of the world


"Just look at Liam’s face in the trailer. That’s the face of someone who  just got fooled. Zoombaya is classic Bannon: interesting method, fun to do, fooling, usable, and strong impact. This has become my go-to phone or Zoom effect, and it will become yours too. Highly recommended!” Tim Trono

"Zoombaya is a perfect impromptu self-working effect. Ideal for virtual performances, but equally - if not more - effective over the phone or in person. All your spectator needs is eight playing card-like objects (so they can be mixed and dealt), such as 8 different postcards, business cards or credit cards. It lends itself to many presentational ploys such as listening for a tell or detecting a lie. I love this!" Richard Hatch

"Zoombaya is the perfect mix of practical magic with astonishing results. I already have a spot in my parlour show for it and you will find a place for it too. No set up, no prep or pre-show and no hassle. It is so diabolical!” Alan Rorrison

"Bannon strikes again. Zoombaya is diabolical and virtually amazing! Love it!” John Guastaferro

"If you locked John Bannon and Jim Steinmeyer in a room, and told them they couldn’t get out until they fooled you, this is how they’d do it. Simple, direct, and unfathomable, Zoombaya is everything most virtual tricks aren’t.” Curtis Kam

"Zoombaya is a simple-to-perform card trick stunner, that works just as well over Zoom. As a bonus, John discusses ways to perform the routine without playing cards.” Charlie Randall

"An absolute brain buster! Not only a great Zoom trick but it's perfect for live shows as well. Another knockout from the Bannonator!" Cameron Francis

"This is some dastardly business. John Bannon’s Zoombaya will be scrambling brains till the end of time.” David Regal

"When Bannon talks I listen.  When it’s a versatile, fooling trick that can be done from a borrowed, shuffled deck, onscreen OR live, I not only listen but I add it to my repertoire. Done.” Raj Madhok

"Looks great!” Dave Solomon

"Zoombaya is a beautifully constructed self-working masterpiece. An easy to do miracle, don’t think twice. It’s John Bannon, NUFF SAID!" George McBride

"In the remote world of Zoom, when the outcome of everything a spectator does cannot be seen or otherwise ascertained by a performer and yet the performer can prove that his Psychic Bandwidth knows no bounds, you have a Zoom-worthy miracle! P. S. The operative principle is cool, too!" Jon Racherbaumer