Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Vol1 & Vol 2
Get both volumes of Bigblindmedia's 'Ultimate Self Working Card Trick' series for the CRAZY PRICE of 29.99! That's a 25% saving!
Featuring creations from some of the greatest minds in magic, Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Vol 1 and 2, are jam packed with incredible card tricks that require NO sleight of hand.
1. Contact Colors (Aldo Colombini)
2. Impossible (Mike Austin)
3. Shuffling Lesson (Chad Long)
4. Henry Sugar (Liam Montier)
5. Pre-Prefiguration (Larry Jennings / Mark Elsdon)
6. Your Aces Are Marked (Terry Lagerould)
7. Shufflebored (Simon Aronson)
8. The 7/16 Club (Alex Elmsley)
9. Impossible (Larry Jennings)
10. 4,5,6 (Al Thatcher)
11. Unbelievable (By Shields, F. Michael And Bascom Jones, Jr)
1.Mind Mirror (Jack McMillan)
2.Convergence (Cameron Francis)
3.Stock Exchange (John Guasterferro)
4.Sense-sational (Ryan Schultz)
5.Poker Pairadox (John Bannon)
6.Four Most (Peter Duffie)
7.Password Fallacy (Jim Steinmeyer)
8.Amara Rises Again (Ryan Matney)
9.Blind Choice (Roy Walton)
Liam Montier, James Went, Iain Moran, Ryan Schlutz & Owen Packard
‘May I take this opportunity to say this has got to be one of, if not THE best DVD I have ever bought.’ Geoff Bairstow '4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!' magicreviewed.com ‘All I hoped this DVD would be has become reality. Absolutely a MUST HAVE for every hobbyist like me, but I believe most professionals will also use one or more tricks on the DVD. You will fool both laymen and magicians. Probably my best magic DVD-purchase ever. You WILL use some of the routines, trust me.‘ Killer Tweety, The Magic Café ‘For me this is one of the stand-out releases of 2012. Loads of good magic that is within the reach of magicians of all standards.’ Bicycle-Cards.co.uk ‘This should have gone for double the asking price. They've done an excellent job compiling some of the best self working tricks ever in existence. Great production, great explanations, great job!!’ Lunatik (The Magic Café) ‘WOW - This is one GREAT DVD. I am usually very happy if I can fine one good nugget in a book or DVD. I have found (so far) seven on this disc.’ Tim Gaffney ‘Just about all of these effects are so strong that I see no reason why a working pro wouldn't be able to use them!’ Arty Chris (Talk Magic) ‘This is f***ing awesome!! Every effect is excellent – ‘Contact Colours’ and ‘Henry Sugar’ stand out - but Terry Lagerould, ‘Your Aces Are Marked’ isn't gold…its platinum! Just proves although its important to work on your pass, DL , top changes etc you can still fry people with self workers.’ Dave Cooper ‘Just wanted to let you know to know how amazed I am about the quality of the tricks included on this DVD.’ Daniel Lagerman ‘I am normally a sleight of hand guy, but this DVD is absolutely excellent. Great choice of tricks, and superb presentation. Very well done.’ Rob Willett ‘I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the ULTIMATE SELF WORKING CARD TRICKS DVD. This must be up there with one of the best DVD's I have ever bought. Only one word to describe it really.......... AWESOME.’ Doug Heath ‘This DVD is truly astounding! Of course, one has to practice the performance and presentation, but you could make a real reputation with this stuff!’ Tony Philpott