Weapons of Mass Deception - Dee Christopher
"HOLY S&*! DUDE! I Have NO idea how you did that!" Shin Lim (On Death-O-Scope)
"That's absolutely GENIUS. The BEST pulse stop I've ever seen!" Romanos
"I'll definitely be using Death-O-Scope. It's AWESOME!" Kris Whip
**18 Page Book + Over 45 Minutes Of Streaming Video Instruction**
Dee Christopher brings to the table an phenomenal new underground publication featuring a pair of his most powerful, never before seen techniques and effects. This beautifully presented, square booklet is a collector's piece in it's self, but it's the ideas that are inked onto the interior that are the real gold dust.
Each of these effects could have been released separately, however, they have been matched together in this hard-hitting double feature.
- Imagine having the ability to stop your heart. In "Death-O-Scope" you will be able to do just that using any unprepared stethoscope, at any time.
A spectator can listen to your heart beat slow down and STOP. The rate at which your heart beats is under your complete control at all times. The power this technique gives you is unimaginable. Don't let the name fool you, this is serious stuff. The technique will take you minutes to master, and the best thing is that there is no gimmicks.
- Imagine having the ability to raise the temperature of your fingers to the point where you can melt plastic, or even metal. In "HEAT" you will prove that you have this incredible ability.
This is the perfect lead in to your metal bending routine, or can stand alone as a piece of tactile artistry. You will make an examined/borrowed piece of silverware BURNING hot, (spectators can feel this) just with your fingertips. Following this, you MELT a previously examined Sharpie pen.
The booklet also features links to detailed 45 minute streaming video instruction for visual learners, so that every base is covered.
Both of these routines have been tested extensively in the real world, for real paying audiences, so that you can rest assured that they will effortlessly glide into your set and elevate your status from magician directly to MIRACLE-WORKER.