This Is The Place by Cameron Francis - Exclusive Download
A BBM EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DOWNLOAD - Learn a killer self working card magic principle and FOUR routines to bust it out in!
The ooooooold force/control that 'This Is The Place' is based on requires no skill and is certainly effective BUT to the observant spectator it’s dangerously transparent. Cameron has created a subtlety that adds next-level deception to this concept. Infact Cameron takes this age old self working card principle and turbo charges it - giving you a weapon that can be used for all kinds of card tricks!
This fresh variation of an ancient procedure will breathe new life into countless tricks… and most likely fool a lot of magicians as well!
While you can perform a classic CAAN effect with this concept, Cameron demonstrates several other possibilities, including a coincidence effect, a four of a kind production, and a prediction effect. This procedure can be done in person or can even be used for virtual performances.
Use any deck. No gaffs or gimmicks involved. Oh, and did we mention that all of the effects taught are self working? Well, they are!
Featured in this download:
Learn The Concept
Destination Routine
Coincidence Routine
Ace Production Routine
Open Prediction Routine
Running Time 28min