Ghost Flight by Peter Duffie
Peter Duffie is a true legend! He just has a knack for constructing truly beautiful, elegant routines that you'll want to perform. (I still count Effortless Card Magic as one of my all time favorite magic books. If you haven't read it - GET IT!!!).
Ghost Flight is an absolute belter of a Peter Duffie trick. Simple to do, multi-phased, and with a brilliant commercial kicker that makes it a 'must-perform-trick'. We have a limited numbers of units of this, so click on the link - watch the performance video - and then buy this quick... before it vanishes like a ghost!! :)
The package includes a GORGEOUS full colour booklet, all the cards that you need and even the 'postcard of mystery!'
As Liam Montier says - "I think of this trick as a kind of 'Ace Assembly' but much more visual, commercial and deceptive. It's also very practical - they examine everything at the beginning, it's visual and it's got a VERY fast reset!"