Simon Caine Mentalism eBook Mega Bundle
Simon Caine is a brilliant mentalist with a clever, modern style. We have really enjoyed his work over at BBM, and are delighted to be able to offer you this insane deal on his products. This bundle features four of his best selling mentalism eBooks at a massively reduced price, plus a bonus Colour Changing Deck routine!!!
I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING eBOOK - contains 13 strong feats of practical, straight-forward effective mind reading and dozens more pieces of technique, subtleties and scripting that can be applied to your existing routines, this book contains something of real value for every mentalism performer.
This book delves into the whole toolbox of mentalism techniques to provide routines that will allow you to reveal answers to personal unknown questions, tell truths from lies, reveal PINs, cards, passwords, names, drawings and more, leaving one your audience with one undeniable message: 'I know what you’re thinking.'
PLUS 2021 Updates
Every order of IKWYT now also gains access to a 22 page supplement that includes new variations and handlings of some routines, various refinements, new techniques and a whole new routine that's my go to answer to the question, "how do you actually do that?".
“I’m very impressed with this material, it’s full of hidden gems! Killer thoughts!” Peter Turner
“Full of great work on almost every area of modern mentalism. This is mandatory reading.” Mark Elsdon
“I really love every one of these routines. IKWYT is something I haven’t seen in a while; practical, straightforward mentalism that won’t fail to impress” Luke Turner
“A great selection of material, and the book itself looks GREAT!” Daniel Chard
Cardinal // A mind readers multiple selection routine. Without fail, you can reveal cards thought of from a shuffled deck in increasingly direct and impossible ways.
Tri Hard // A propless card guess using nothing more than the participants calculator app and a series of genuinely free and random choices. Several approaches to the method are taught, from the super safe to the very bold.
Non Lethal // A participant-as-mind-reader miracle and my solution to the single card prediction plot. The participant names the colour, suit and value of a card, and it matches the only card you removed from the deck and placed in full view.
The Spyglass Effect // A lean, direct ACAAN for mind readers, including a very bold opening that perfectly justifies the routine and opens the door for something impossible.
The Anything Test // You accurately reveal private answers to personal questions randomly selected by two participants. Layers of method make this a complete show-stealer of a routine that has closed my sets for over a year.
The Only Thing // A snappy variation of The Anything Test perfect for table-hopping. Within moments you can reveal something personal and important to any participant you choose.
Morningstar // This applies the Anything Test framework to playing cards and ESP cards, allowing you to slot those reveals into any other routine you perform with cards.
Incognito // One participant thinks of a random word, and another thinks of a random name which they don’t write down anywhere. First you reveal the name, then the password. This uses one of the boldest, yet most invisible peeks I’ve ever discovered.
Pyramind // A participant-as-mind-reader drawing duplication that introduces an improved handling for a classic technique and often leads to the participant reading your mind for real!
ZNNR // My version of a three-phase ESP routine that ends with a can’t-fail moment of participant-as-mind-reader. This routine shows how even the simplest techniques can be made into something memorable.
The Silver Hand // A Which Hand? PIN reveal. In closed fist, the participant is holding a folded billet containing their PIN. In the other fist, they hold a folded blank billet. Not only do you correctly determine which hand contains the PIN, but you can also reveal it in a safe, responsible manner.
Stonefist // The participant writes down a truth and a lie about themselves on separate billets which they mix up. They hand you one and destroy the other. First, you reveal whether the one you’re holding is a truth or a lie, and then you guess what the other statement was with 100% accuracy.
The Algorithm Prediction // How can mind readers - whose skill is about revealing information in the present - credibly perform prediction effects? The Algorithm Prediction is a performance framework and script for making prediction effects make sense for the mind reader.
RAZORSHARP eBOOK - a collection of practical, powerful and entertaining mentalism routines using the simplest, most direct methods.
With not a center tear in sight, these routines are designed to be easy to perform whenever, wherever, and whatever the circumstance and deliver the hard hitting moments of mystery your audiences deserve. Crammed with audience tested effects, fooling subtleties and techniques made for the real world, this is modern mentalism that will surprise, inspire and excite you.
“This ebook is full of practical and highly interesting ideas in mentalism. Great explanations with photos that make reading fun and flowing. I will be mixing Meridian in with my own work with ESP cards!” Pablo Amirá
Two Out of Three Will // A few games of Which Hand turn into an impossible display of subliminal influence.
Copperhead // A participant is able to guess the coin held in your fist, even whether it shows heads or tails! A perfect impromptu ice breaker.
Multiplex // A double drawing duplication using nothing but an unprepared stack of business card, a pen and a devious subtlety that’ll go straight into your toolkit. This is a real close up killer!
Principia // This is a reputation maker. Two thoughts are written and mixed up. A participant destroys one and isolates one. You go NOWHERE NEAR either card, and still you read two minds in the cleanest manner imaginable.
Rogue // A participant hypnotised and temporarily given the power of a photographic memory. After looking at the faces of a shuffled deck for only a moment, they become able to flawlessly find cards face down again and again and again!
Telegram // You genuinely close your eyes. A participant thinks of a card, shuffles a deck and hands it to you. Not only are you able to stop at the card they are thinking of, you can name it as well!
Meridian // On a single business card, you write a prediction, and a participant makes a series of genuinely free and secret choices of different ESP symbols. Every single time, the prediction perfectly matches the choices made.
Espair // You attempt to influence a participant’s thoughts through a series of 50/50 choices, and even if they feel like they’re able to resist, you prove that you knew exactly what they would do from the very beginning! A weird little miracle.
EIDETIC eBOOK - A collection of pseduo-memory work, including rapid memorisation of a deck and a multiple phase performance piece with a genuinely shuffled deck.
WINNEBAGO eBOOK - A spectator-as-mindreader routine where one audience member is able to read the mind of another, even from a different room. The perfect parlour or casual routine.
CHROMA eBOOK - a killer colour changing deck routine.