The Cross Cut Code eBook by John Carey
John Carey says "I’m absolutely delighted to announce the release of my new digital Ebook The Cross Cut Code! Devoted entirely to the classic cross cut force, with some deadly variations and packed out with some great routines which showcase them. I’m extremely excited about the contents with 7 unpublished items from me and some superb material from my great friends Cameron Francis, Mike Breggar, Michael Kaminskas, Harrison Trusler, Sean Devine, Jon Racherbaumer and John Gordon. Over 60 pages of Cross Cut mojo I think you will love! Priced at £20/$25 I believe there is exceptional value for all Card magicians in this publication."
You and Me!
Casino Cross Cut
Dribble CCF!
Carey varies Bannon
Cross Cut Do As I Do
Subtle CCF
Aces A Plenty
Crossed Biddle
For Bannon!
Face- up Fake- out X- force
Cross-Cut Nuance
Let Your Fingers do the Walking
The MK Cross Cut Force
The Business Card Mystery
What If?