Of Course I Can by Tom Dobrowolski - Video Download
A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD VIDEO - Tom Dobrowolski’s ‘Of Course I Can’ is a complete and satisfying ‘cheating at gambling’ routine that could easily be your ‘one and done’ next time somebody asks to see a trick. It uses regular cards, a few simple sleights (including one of the most deceptive small packet card switches you’ll ever not see), and - like all Tom’s magic - is engaging, fun, and massively entertaining.
Tom designed it to be an immediate response to the question he was ALWAYS asked when he told people he was a magician - ‘Oh, so can you cheat at cards?’
‘Of Course I Can!’ he’d shout, and then proceed to show them this.
And now it’s your turn - learn ‘Of Course I Can’ and you’ll never be caught off guard again!
After a thorough shuffling of the deck you immediately produce all four aces. It’s impressive, flourishy… and way too obvious to ever use in a real game! So you offer to step it up and show them what real cheating looks like, and settle on a four handed game of Five Card Draw Poker. You start by doling out an ace to each player, and then you complete the hands by dealing out four face-up indifferent cards.
You know what’s coming don’t you… one by one those Aces vanish. And then when you turn over your own hand, they are SHOCKED to see…. well, incredibly it’s not the four aces. They truly have vanished. Nope, somehow during that demonstration you snuck in a royal flush in spades.
‘Of Course I Can’ is proof that you don’t half an hour of performance featuring hundreds of tricks to blow your audience’s minds. This short, sharp, demonstration is the perfect bitesized treat and an essential for your locker.