Master The Braue Addition - Video Download
A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD VIDEO - The Braue Addition is a VERY useful move! A packet switch that will allow you to invisibly switch cards right under your spectator's nose.
It achieves a huge amount with the most economical of handlings. Of course other packet switches do exist, but they often require more elaborate sleight of hand or greater misdirection. The Braue Addition is a workhorse switch... it's easy to learn, easy to implement and you'll see that you can use it in all kinds of routines.
Join Liam and learn how to do this technique RIGHT. This 21 minute super session features a super clear and detailed tutorial on the move, and FOUR killer tricks for you to use it in!
What Is It?
How To Do It plus Basic Routine
*Hofzinser Routine
*Broken Braue Routine
*Find The Lady Routine