Bandwidth: No No No No No No No Maybe Yes by John Bannon
A BBM EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DOWNLOAD - ‘No No No No No No No Maybe Yes’ is the second release in John Bannon’s killer new series of self-working yet jawdropping card routines. This BBM exclusive video download will absolutely floor people in person, and because you never touch the cards once it also slays over video chat!
So, what’s ‘No No No No No No No Maybe Yes’ all about?
From a borrowed, shuffled deck in use, your spectator peeks a card at a freely-chosen number.
They “burn” a random and unknown number of cards into the center of the deck.
Now the spectator cuts & mixes the deck
Remember - you don’t know their card. You don’t know their number. AND you’ve never seen or even touched the cards!
Now you ask the spectator to call out the names of the cards from the top of the deck -and impossibly you nail the chosen card. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
- Works with a borrowed, shuffled deck in use (even an incomplete deck)!
- No setup needed - 100% impromptu
- No sleight of hand
- You NEVER touch or see the cards
- Works over video call / phone call / in person / on stage!
- Perform from the other side of the world
"I love this routine. I have sat at my table and done it over and over again and each time I am stunned when the card comes up." The Magic Portal
“A definite ‘Yes’ from me. We know virtual card tricks can fool, but how many make a smile appear on their faces?” Curtis Kam
“No No No... don't buy it as I want it all to myself. Another great Bannon remote effect. This can be done in person, remotely, requires no skill, and has an intriguing method. Highly recommended.” Tim Trono
“Good trick? No. Great trick? Maybe. Fantabulous trick? Yes!” Raj Madhok
“John Bannon is a master of effects that combine maximum impact with minimal effort. Do I recommend “No No No No No No No Maybe Yes?”. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Maybe…Hell Yes!” Steve Friedberg
“John Bannon can create trick titles and plots unlike most others, and because of these differences, he is able to connect with every kind of spectator, making him or her enrapt to the unforeseen possibilities and puzzlements he produces.” Jon Racherbaumer
“Dai Vernon often said to me that, ‘Simple magic is great and great magic is simple.’ He also would say, ‘It is not the effect but rather, the journey to it.’ John embraces both sentiments with this fun effect.“ Howard Hamburg
“A virtual fooler with a fun presentation and deviously disguised method. Pure Bannon.” John Guastaferro
“The entertainment factor on John’s new trick is exceedingly high for such an easy to perform trick. And you can perform it over Zoom or the phone as easily as you can in person. This hits all the buttons.“ Charlie Randall
Running Time 18min
Brought to you exclusively by Bigblindmedia