The Koran Deck Project with Liam Montier
Comes with special Bicycle Deck & 30min Video Download - everything you need to perform included!
The Koran Deck - the deck that turns you into a mindreading miracle-worker!
This ingenious pack of cards allows you to easily reveal any card that a spectator merely looks at.
No sleights, glimpses, controls, gaffs, stooges or breaks! You don’t even have to touch the deck! This is a true self-working wonder.
- The deck that turns you into a mind-reader
- Reveal any card they merely look at
- Totally self working
- No sleights, No glimpses
- No controls, no stooges
- No gaffs, No breaks
- You don’t even have to touch the cards!
- A mentalism masterpiece!
Host Liam Montier will teach you how to use this venerable tool in the most deceptive way possible, arming you with one of the most powerful (and simple to use!) weapons in all of magic.
Learn how to handle it effectively, how to protect it’s secrets, how to maximise it’s function and then Liam will teach you two killer routines to get out and perform!
Includes - The deck in red or blue backed Bicycle stock, and a video masterclass:
What Is It?
Revealing The Selection
Handling Tips
Tossed Out Deck Routine
Stephen Tucker's Threemendous Routine
Running Time - 28min