Fully Automatic Card Trick by Caleb Wiles
Caleb created this unique effect as an answer to a problem posed contest on www.TheSecondDeal.com. The challenge was to create a card trick where the magician did not manipulate the cards in any way. In fact, the strict conditions banned the magician from even touching the deck. Everything had to be done by the spectator.
After weeks of experimentation, Caleb finally conceived the idea for the Fully Automatic Card Trick. But the routine wasn’t invented in a vacuum. Caleb road tested this routine in front of real live audiences… this routine plays! It’s a layman killer. The fact that it has also fooled a few magicians along the way tells you just how clever this routine is.
(Comes complete with a special Bicycle deck of cards)
Caleb Wiles NEVER seems to disappoint! This effect for those who don’t know is a fully automatic effect with multiple climaxes. It’s like the close up equivalent of a muli-phase chair test routine. Its mind blowing! The method is one of those which works but, no matter how much you think about it, you’re not sure HOW it works. You do not touch the deck at all. WEIRD!
By far the best effect I’ve bought so far this year! From this day on, let it be known that I will never pass up any Caleb Wiles trick!” -Jamie Daws
“When he finished doing it for me I actually applauded- and I can’t remember the last time I applauded during a jam session!” -Ben Train